Research projects

DigiLLM Digitalization in European Education: Realizing Equity and Inclusion with Living Learning Materials

The DigiLLM project contributes knowledge on inclusive digital learning materials. Evaluation of inclusivity and diversity in learning materials are offered via a developed framework and a Journal for teaching and learning materials are set up.


DigiLLM is a Cooperation Partnership between the Universities Bielefeld (Germany), Ostrava (Czech Republic), Dalarna (Sweden) and Luxembourg – co-funded by the Erasmus+ funding line of the European Union. Our goal is to deepen our partnership and collectively work on the topic of inclusive digital learning materials and OER – this way, different expertises will be merged in order to reflect on inclusive digital learning materials and Open Educational Resources. A framework for evaluating teaching and learning materials is already available.


Project overview
Project Leader
Michaela Vogt, Bielefeld University
Project period
2022-09-01 — 2025-08-31
Project status
  • Katja Andersen, Universitet of Luxembourg
  • Anette Bagger
  • Marlene Pipeper, Bielefeld University
  • Zuzana Sikorová, University of Ostrava