Language Support

Language Support can assist students so that they develop the skills they need to write academic texts in Swedish and English.

Language Support aims to support and assist university students in their academic writing so that they can gain independence and be more successful in their studies. Each semester, Language Support offers tutoring services (bookable) and workshops.

Reading and writing are learning processes, and as such it will benefit you to contact Language Support at an early stage in your student career when you want to build on your competence or when you have problems with your writing. It is important that you develop a good level of competency when it comes to writing as you will benefit from this throughout your studies and, of course, in your future professional life.

Language Support can help you better understand what you need to do and what skills you need to acquire to complete your study assignments successfully. Please note that we do not offer proofreading/editing or translation services. Nor do we determine whether or not a text will receive a passing grade. While you remain actively responsible for your own study success, we are here to help you.


This semester, you can book an appointment with Language Support or attend our workshops. Please see below for details.

Book a Time 

In Language Support, the student is central, as are their learning needs. We can offer you 45-minute tutorials in writing where you can receive help from a teacher to improve your academic writing. Book a time here: Language Support. In the booking form, specify what you want help with on a maximum of two selected pages. However, submit the entire text so that the instructor can view it as a whole. The tutorial can be about, for example, structure, fluency, language correctness, style, and/or reference management. You can book instruction two times per semester. If you would like tuition in Swedish, please see Språkstödet.


Language Support offers one-on-one instructional meetings with a writing instructor to help you improve your academic writing. Focus during the meeting is on aspects of your writing, such as structure, flow, language use, style and referencing.

You need to book a session (see instructions below); each session is 45 minutes long. The focus of the meeting will be on a text that you have written and which you must send the writing instructor no later than 24 working hours before your appointment.

If you require instruction and support in Swedish, please visit Språkstödet.

Book a tuition session


The Language Support offers workshops with different themes. Each workshop begins with an introduction to the topic, followed by practical activities. Visit our calendar to reserve a seat and learn more about our workshops.

Workshop series: Introduction to Academic Language

This workshop series focuses on the basics of academic language, particularly in English. These workshops explore the essential features of academic English in a wide range of disciplines. The series consists of three hands-on workshops focused on features such as academic vocabulary, sentence structure, paraphrasing, as well as the basics of reading and writing academic texts.

Instructor: The workshops are led by Miguel Garcia-Yeste, Senior Lecturer in English Linguistics at Dalarna University. His main area of interest is writing instruction. Miguel has over 10 years’ experience teaching academic writing in a wide range of disciplines.

24 January workshop: Academic vocabulary, sentences and paragraphs
31 January workshop: Reading academic texts
7 February workshop: Basics of academic writing

Book a Workshop

Workshop series: Essay Writing

This workshop series focuses on essay writing in English. These workshops explore writing practices in a wide range of disciplines within the Humanities and Social Sciences with a focus on essay writing (e.g., course papers, BA theses, MA theses). The series consists of four hands-on workshops focused on disciplinary conventions of essay writing in English as well as on practical strategies you can use when you approach a writing task.  

Instructor: The workshops are led by Miguel Garcia-Yeste, Senior Lecturer in English Linguistics at Dalarna University. 

Workshop series: Referencing in academic writing

This workshop series focuses on referencing in academic writing. These workshops explore referencing practices in Linguistics and Literary studies with a focus on writing at university. The series consists of four hands-on workshops focused on the functions and forms of references as well as how to effectively integrate them in your writing.  

Instructors: Workshops 1, 2 and 4 are led by Miguel Garcia-Yeste, Senior Lecturer in English Linguistics, Dalarna University. Workshop 3 is led by Johan Wernberg, Librarian from the Dalarna University Library.

Academic Writing and Referencing

When you study at the university level, you will be required to write texts independently that are of an academic level. On the website Writing Guide, you can find concrete advice about the writing process and the formulation of questions.

Our library has a webpage that explains academic writing and referencing. You are also welcome to book an appointment with a librarian to receive information on how to search for academic articles and other materials pertinent to your studies.

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