Forum for Linguistics

This research group is a meeting-point for Dalarna University’s researchers, teachers and doctoral students with an interest in linguistic research with different theoretical and methodological traditions.

About the research group

The research group has the goal to strengthen and develop the linguistic research environment at Dalarna University. Our research covers a broad linguistic spectrum, including both core and applied research. Common areas of interest, which overlap much with one another, are:

  • digital communication
  • institutional discourses, corpus linguistics and languages for specific purposes
  • linguistic perspectives in language learning and teaching, plus
  • linguistic interculturality, identity-related linguistic issues, including multilingualism and translanguaging.

Beyond these, the group’s members study individual languages and varieties from both synchronic and diachronic perspectives, as well as in linguistic disciplines such as name research or onomastics.

There are many areas of cooperation within the group, but above all we unite around our seminar series which gives the opportunity to present research projects, discuss draft publications, organize workshops on linguistic issues and meet researchers inside and outside of our environment.

Our seminars take place on Tuesdays 13-15 during odd-numbered weeks. Anyone interested is warmly welcome to take part in our meetings.

Annelie Ädel
Professor English
Boglárka Straszer
Professor Swedish as a Second Language
Elisabet Odevik
Lecturer Swedish as a Second Language
Gianluca Colella
Senior Lecturer Italian
Senior Lecturer Chinese
Mariya Aida Niendorf
Senior Lecturer Japanese
Miguel Garcia Yeste
Senior Lecturer English
Monika Stridfeldt
Senior Lecturer French
Senior Lecturer Russian
Senior Lecturer English
Senior Lecturer Spanish
Solveig Malmsten
Senior Lecturer Swedish
Senior Lecturer Chinese
Senior Lecturer Chinese
Torun Reite
Senior Lecturer Portuguese
Wei Hing Rosenkvist
Senior Lecturer Chinese

Dalarna University Applied Linguistics (DUAL) seminar series

DUAL is linked to our research group, it is a seminar series for those interested in Applied Linguistics. Experts in different areas of the field are invited to present their research. We target prominent researchers from different parts of the world to present on current topics.

Dalarna University Applied Linguistics (DUAL) seminar series

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