Current Research Projects
Swedish wool is well suited for the design of circular and safe products. Despite an increasing interest from the industry to use Swedish wool in textiles and other materials, the market conditions for taking care of wool are not sufficiently developed in Sweden. Hence, more than half of the Swedish ...
Subject: Business Administration and Management, Economics
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Currently, aero-engine metallic components are manufactured by casting and forging processes, but the Laser Metal Deposition-Powder (LMDp) technique has gained much attention in repairing aero-engine components due to its flexibility and reliability in controlling various process parameters. The successful ...
Subject: Materials Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The SMART project aims at utilizing and developing small-scale testing of Ti6Al4V repair components produced by Laser Metal Deposition-Powder (LMDp), an additive manufacturing process for aerospace applications. Currently, aero-engine metallic components are manufactured by casting and forging processes, ...
Subject: Materials Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Previous research into the effects of COVID-19 has overlooked its impact on children and youth with forced migration backgrounds. This ERAPA study aims to address aspects of this absence by asking how the pandemic’s restrictions and the post-pandemic condition has affected the educational trajectories ...
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project aims to investigate the feasibility of using steam heat pump system to reduce the cost and CO2 emissions from process heating in specific industrial sectors in Sweden. This will be achieved by a techno-economic-environmental analysis for a novel system by combining three emerging heat technologies ...
Subject: Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Within REALM, focus is on loneliness among older adults, how loneliness is perceived and experienced, and its relationship to mental health. We will fill research gaps in order to promote evidence-based approaches to identifying, assessing, and addressing loneliness in practise by:
- examining inequalities ...
Subject: Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Tourism Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The present study (carried out through digital semi-structured interviews in questionnaire form) focuses on the importance of the private room for the digital seminar and the language learning atmosphere. When students participate in digital seminars, they find themselves in several different "rooms"; ...
Subject: German
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
A basic precondition for a strong and sustainable democracy is that all citizens have equal opportunities and inclinations to participate in political life. A long dominant understanding is that the context in which children and adolescents grow up shape citizens’ political behaviors. However, the current ...
Subject: Political Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The work in horse stables is commonly characterised by heavy and monotonous work, a low degree of mechanisation and often outdated and worn facilities, and studies have shown a high prevalence of musculoskeletal complaints for employees at riding schools. The objective of this study is to evaluate the ...
Subject: Occupational Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Swedish, English, Social and Political Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
In physical education teacher education, the various examination forms are designed by the teacher educators at the universities. The students' knowledge/competence is assessed through, among other things, written exams, written assignments, oral exams, practical exams, submitted films, blogs, etc. Regardless ...
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Overarching factors in civil society are scarcely researched to explain challenges in providing quality midwifery education. Bangladesh, Somaliland, Puntland, and Sweden show differences and similarities in providing midwifery education. Here we focus on clinical midwifery education because all countries ...
Subject: Sexual, Reproductive and Perinatal Health
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Constitutional stability among post-Soviet countries is challenged by recurring institutional conflict, autocratic presidents, weak party systems, frequent changes to the constitution, and external aggression from Russia. Semi-presidentialism, where a directly elected president shares executive power ...
Subject: Political Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Each year, 25,000 persons in Sweden have a stroke, and many suffer from disabilities leading
to activity and participation restrictions. Despite this, rehabilitation mainly focuses on the
person's physical functions and not on the whole life situation and opportunities to live an active life. If environmental ...
Subject: Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The Byhotell is a prospective business model for the organisation of small-scale enterprises in
cooperative structures to develop a more sustainable rural tourism industry. Coompanion Dalarna (a
non-profit business advisory organisation) has an ongoing pilot project (2021-2022) that helps
entrepreneurs ...
Subject: Tourism Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
We will develop, implement and evaluate an innovative model to sustain vital life-saving skills in helping women survive and babies breathe through building working teams, with the inclusion of leaders. This application describes a pilot intervention that after evaluation and modifications will scale ...
Subject: Sexual, Reproductive and Perinatal Health
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Occupational Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The Swedish care model MIDWIZE defined as midwife-led interdisciplinary care and zero separation between
mother and newborn, was implemented in 2020–21 in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, and Somalia in a capacity building
programme funded by the Swedish Institute.
Objective: To determine the feasibility ...
Subject: Sexual, Reproductive and Perinatal Health
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Foreign language learning demands extensive personal investment over long periods.
While research into foreign language learning has demonstrated the importance of
motivation, and the importance of teachers, it is not currently clear if and how
motivation can be generated through teaching.
As a school ...
Subject: French, Spanish, German
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Mathematics Education
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This leader-to-leader collaboration supports leaders in midwifery in India and Nepal to identify
windows of opportunities for the integration of midwives into existing health systems.
The overall aim is to apply a framework on midwifery in two countries to yield context-specific considerations to inform ...
Subject: Sexual, Reproductive and Perinatal Health
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
With the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of specialised interdisciplinary treatment (IDT) in patients with chronic pain we will develop and validate a new intelligent Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) and, with the support of a registry based randomised trial, evaluate and implement the ...
Subject: Computer Engineering, Medical Science, Statistics
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Deployment of photovoltaics (PV) and electric vehicles (EVs) are both increasing in the built environment. To avoid (i) the large-scale upgrading of the existing grid system and (ii) high electricity costs caused by unregulated loads and unwanted power feed-in, a resource-efficient and cost-effective ...
Subject: Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Dalarna University has been engaged in the capacity development of midwifery educators in Bangladesh since 2016. The University of Gothenburg is evaluating midwifery education in Bangladesh in parallel with Dalarna University building capacity among midwifery educators. Dalarna University has an implementing ...
Subject: Sexual, Reproductive and Perinatal Health
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Homes' energy and power use are affected by the ongoing electrification of the car fleet
as cars are charged at home. This increases homes' electricity use and the risk of high
power peaks with simultaneous use of large power consumers, which applies to homes
with both electric car charging and ...
Subject: Sociology, Political Science, Energy Technology, Construction
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project aims to evaluate the extent to which students feel that participation in mock elections strengthens their civic engagement. The project is a smaller part of the evaluation of School Choice 2022 carried out by the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (MUCF).
Subject: Political Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Obstetric violence is a term used to describe any physical, sexual, or psychological abuse that occurs during the birthing process. This can include things like verbal abuse, physical restraints, unnecessary medical interventions, and failure to obtain informed consent for procedures. Obstetric violence ...
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Materials Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Positive Energy District (PED) is component towards climate neutrality and smart cities. PED-ACT project focuses on the process optimization for enhanced stakeholders cooperation and reinforced decision-making. PED-ACT contributes to standardisation of the database of existing PEDs (planned, designed ...
Subject: Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Large scale solar district heating has increased fast recently and is a commercial industry
in Denmark with over 100 systems. Pit storage with high solar fraction exist in several of
these systems. Economic factors in Sweden are not as good as in Denmark, but many
scenarios show increased competition ...
Subject: Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
We want to change how lighting assets are managed in public libraries, from thinking about management to operation and then to optimization. Disruptive technical developments (incl., LEDs) have already shown a high level of performance. The next challenge is to manage integrative lighting assets more ...
Subject: Energy Technology, Construction
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The communicative approach to language teaching emphasizes the oral proficiency and to obtain one of the higher grades the student must speak with fluency. But what is fluency? This project examines how Spanish teachers in Sweden and France work towards oral proficiency with the aim to define the concept ...
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
In this project we want to review and analyse the current body of knowledge with a focus on housing access,
inequalities and social dynamics in rural areas in Sweden.
There is a growing geographical divide and differentiation with regard to the housing situation. In some areas,
there is overheating, ...
Subject: Human Geography
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Elite athletes find themselves in the situation of constantly trying to improve their potential in that sport that it exercises at the international level to be able to compete and improve its results; vis-à-vis their opponents. To its help, it has coaches who explain in different ways how it can improve ...
Subject: Sport and Health Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The overall aim of this study is to contribute to further understanding of visual art education in upper secondary school by investigating how students can become more involved and active in visual meetings in the classroom. It is about how visual art teachers can invite students to choose images and ...
Subject: Art Education, Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Natural Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: History, Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Housing supply and the ageing population are issues that pose challenges for social, health, and economic policies. There is a shortage of suitable, affordable, secure housing in several countries that promote social inclusion for inhabitants, especially for older adults. The aim of this project is to ...
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Swedish
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
A new concept for low-temperature heating of greenhouses has been evaluated in Dalarna University's climate chamber in 2021. The concept involves heating with enclosed water curtains between two plastic foils where the space is filled with soap bubbles to minimize heat losses at night. Both water curtains ...
Subject: Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Resilience in nature-based tourism destinations is dependent on well-functioning trails for outdoor activities. These need to be managed, monitored and funded in a sustainable way for the long-term stability of businesses, protection of nature and the possibility of multi-use and social well-being of ...
Subject: Tourism Studies, Sport and Health Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Swedish
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing, Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Political Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The purpose of this project is to develop and evaluate a digital twin for person-centred homecare in close collaboration with clients and social services. The digital twin will be a virtual representation of clients, their homes, and homecare services to support individual assessment, planning, decision-making, ...
Subject: Medical Science, Microdata Analysis, Nursing, Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Through audiovisual storytelling, theories of mediatization can be illustrated for analysis of fiction as vehicle for amplification of emotions in contemporary society. The project will relate to an overarching topic of how a public may apprehend Islam/Muslims in a stereotypical manner but also how fiction ...
Subject: Religious Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Swedish as a Second Language
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The challenge to meet the demands of climate resilient development require private and public sector agencies to apply innovative management accounting methods. The focus on carbon emission mitigation is increasingly set within an ideal of a circular economy, making the management of all resources a ...
Subject: Business Administration and Management
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
SOLVE’s overarching goal is to contribute to a sustainable expansion of solar cells in Sweden. The project is divided up into thematic areas such as: new solar power technology, building integration, improved solar cell systems, land use, economics and business models for solar cells as well as the planning ...
Subject: Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project analyzes Valborg Olander's (1861-1943) reforming efforts at the elementary school seminary in Falun. The focus is on Olander's extensive textbook production in the Swedish language and the didactic reversal that her ideas gave rise to.
Previous research finds that Falu Primary School ...
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Movement and development of overall movement capacity - or movement knowledge - are key aspects of school physical education (PE) and thus also of physical education teacher education (PETE). The purpose of the project is to explore movement knowledge in PETE with the aim of providing means to (re)conceptualise ...
Subject: Sport and Health Science, Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The research program is conducted at Marie Cederschiöld University College and is a central part of the research on Swedish civil society. The population surveys that have been conducted make it possible to follow the civic engagement of the Swedish population since the early 1990s and show who is engaged ...
Subject: Political Science, Sociology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Education, Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This study focuses on hotel housekeeping staff who, to a large extent, are women and (new) migrants with
limited possibilities of influence over their own work and overall work-life situation. The study will develop new
knowledge on possibilities for wellbeing, secure and safe working environments ...
Subject: Tourism Studies, Human Geography
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Mathematics Education
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Sociology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: German
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project aims to provide evidence on the magnitude of older people’s contribution to informal caregiving and to gain knowledge of their particular health needs, through three research lines.
The first research line will analyse temporal trends in informal and formal care reception and provision ...
Subject: Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing, Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project focuses on ecological literacy (which is part of scientific literacy) and its importance for teaching and learning. Ecological literacy - ecological subject literacy - is, among other things, about people's "general education" about nature and how people relate to each other and to nature. ...
Subject: Natural Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
There is a fundamental transformation of healthcare where care and rehabilitation aim
to be provided outside the specialized hospitals closer to the person and often also at
home i.e., local healthcare (Nära vård). This new policy is not only a challenge for
people with complex healthcare conditions ...
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Business Administration and Management
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Breastfeeding entails significant health benefits for mothers and infants. Breastfeeding concerns 110 000 mothers each year in Sweden. However, breastfeeding prevalence are decreasing. Many mothers (60%) cease breastfeeding earlier than they had planned, the reasons for this are insufficiently known. ...
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project is based on the ongoing corona pandemic and investigates how people with disabilities experience/have experienced how it is to work from home. In Sweden, people with disabilities are to a lesser extent employed than the general population, and they also experience more discrimination in working ...
Subject: Occupational Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The objective of the project is to identify factors that facilitate or hinder implementation of internet of things (IoT) in the area of health and wellbeing.
Subject: Medical Science, Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Sexual harassment in organizatons (SH) remains a widespread and serious problem. Taken together, SH has negative consequences for organizations such as absenteeism, higher levels of turnover and reduced labor productivity. SH appears to be more common in organizational contexts that are characterized ...
Subject: Occupational Science, Human Resource Management, Industrial Engineering and Management
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This project aims to a) identify risk factors for loneliness, b) examine the experience of loneliness, and c) identify successful actions to alleviate loneliness in the oldest old.
The project will include three studies: a national and regional questionnaire survey of older adults; semi-structured ...
Subject: Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project as a whole aims to contribute knowledge about didactic considerations in connection with the use of digital resources and how these considerations affect teaching in high school. The project is carried out within the framework of a dissertation work that consists of two parts, a licentiate ...
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project examines teachers' and their students' experiences of reading written text as a means of learning history in high school. The study, which is based on social constructivist theory building, is based on semi-structured interviews.
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This project is part of the international project FREIA (, which is funded by the EU. The project's purpose is to identify chemicals associated with the outcomes of in vitro fertilization and to investigate whether there is a relationship between lifestyle factors and chemicals.
We ...
Subject: Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This project proposes a C2V2C (i.e., Building Community to EV to Community) energy flow concept and aims to test a set of C2V2C models to investigate how EVs can be effectively integrated into the future energy systems in Sweden. Reinforcement learning, a machine learning technique which is powerful ...
Subject: Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Preschool students have progressed differently in their literacy development, some read books and others write, while others show no greater interest in text. Previous research and evaluations show that instruction in pre-school classes provides room for play and creative work. However, many teachers ...
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Pain are associated with increased risks of cardiovascular diseases
including myocardial infarction (MI). However, the impact of pain on mortality post-MI has
not been examined in large studies with long-term follow-up. The aim of this study was to
examine associations between experienced pain/discomfort ...
Subject: Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work, History
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: German, Educational Work, Comparative Literature
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This research project focuses on community trust, that is, trust in people you may not know but who are part of a common local community. The aim is partly to better understand how trust develops over time, and partly how different local conditions such as public services, security and confidence in ...
Subject: Political Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project aims to depict the development of modern haiku poetry in Japan during the 20th century. The rather limited research that has been conducted in this area has, with few exceptions, focused on male authors. It is therefore of interest to study the historical development based on a number of ...
Subject: Japanese
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The overall purpose of this project is to study food choices in the tourism and hospitality sector in Sweden and their role in mitigating the sectors climate footprint. The project focuses on the integration of climate friendly food and beverage products in hospitality offerings and how behavioural insights ...
Subject: Economics, Tourism Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The overall purpose for this project is to deepen the understanding for how economic effects of the horse industry can
be understood and visualised at micro level using consumption and production data in both Sweden and Norway.
Background to the project is to find in the industry's need for up-to-date ...
Subject: Tourism Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Philosophy
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Positive energy districts (PED) are important components for achieving the climate goals and provide a holistic perspective on a district's energy supply and demand which the citizens’ possibility to live a sustainable life in the district is central. The availability of sustainable solutions for heating ...
Subject: Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
With the covid-19 pandemic, we are facing a health and economic crisis of an unprecedented kind. Tourism is one of the hardest hit sectors with a decrease of international tourism worldwide of around 45–70% in 2020. The pandemic has caused a lot of destruction but has also contributed to reductions in ...
Subject: Tourism Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Addiction and self-harm are serious problems where more research is needed. Previous research has established knowledge about factors related to the onset and context in which this takes place. There is still a lack of knowledge about the causal mechanisms underlying substance abuse and self-harm. This ...
Subject: Sociology, Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Social Work, Nursing, Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The overall purpose of the project is to identify instruction that promotes early literacy development within five subject areas in the preschool class: language and communication, mathematics, nature, technology and society, and play. The purpose is twofold: the project intends to contribute with knowledge ...
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Nurses have been on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic and the stressors they are exposed to can cause health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a group that was already at risk before the pandemic. PTSD is an illness that develops after a person has been through a traumatic ...
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This study compiles the research results from studies examining the built environment's impact on health, well-being, and efficiency. There is a growing awareness of the importance of the built environment for the quality of health care and health outcomes. Research has investigated how the design of ...
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: German
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Mathematics Education, Swedish, Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The 5th generation district heating and cooling (5GDHC) network has great advantages in integration of low temperature resource, bi-directional operation, decentralized energy flows, and possible energy sharing. However, this technology remains three main research gaps in the Baltic-Nordic regions, including ...
Subject: Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project is about students' writing in mathematics. The goal is to develop a teaching model that can be used to develop students' writing. This is done using two main tools. The first is a separation in time and space between a lesson that deals with problem solving and discussions about the method ...
Subject: Mathematics Education
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project examines how electromagnetic disturbances are emitted from a photovoltaic installation in the form of radiated radio waves. The source of the interference may be the inverter that in connected to the mains. Different installations for the cables connecting the solar panels to the inverter ...
Subject: Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Political Science, Religious Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project examines the links between presidential activism, policy-making capacity, and regime legitimacy. Drawing on top-level interviews, data on presidential behaviour, expert survey, and public opinion surveys, it asks what are the consequences of presidential
activism for policy-making and the ...
Subject: Political Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Globally, as in Sweden, most children and young people do not achieve current guidelines for physical activity, ie 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day. This is very problematic and effective interventions which could turn around this negative development of increased inactivity ...
Subject: Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Solar photovoltaic (PV) is one of the most significant renewable sources for positive energy district (PED) in Sweden. The lacks of innovative business model and financing mechanism are the main constraints for PV's deployment.
This proposal aims to design and simulate a series of peer-to-peer (P2P) ...
Subject: Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
It is surprising that research on the relationship between chronic pain and cardiovascular disease is relatively scarce. The aim of this research project is thus to investigate whether there is an association between chronic pain and the development of cardiovascular disease, and to understand the interplay ...
Subject: Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Sound and Music Production
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work, History
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This project aims to develop and maintain long term partnership between partner organizations of Dalarna University (HDA) from Sweden and Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology (XAUAT) from China, by undertaking joint research and educational activities into the development of prefabricated ...
Subject: Construction, Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project will deliver an implementation strategy that considers the dynamic interplay between a self-management program, context, and implementation. We will work together with staff in co-producing the intervention. The self-management program is directed to persons with stroke. The life after stroke ...
Subject: Nursing, Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: History
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Occupational Science, Tourism Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: English, Moving Image Production, Swedish
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
EXIT is a research project at Dalarna University with funding for research initiation from the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (from June 2020 to December 2021).
* Purpose of the project *
At the heart of this research project is the very question of responsibility in relation to issues of ...
Subject: English, Swedish
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project deals with the supervision of BA theses written in L2 English and it explores undergraduate thesis supervisory practices, focusing on three supervisors’ own writing experiences and those influences upon their pedagogical implementation.
The research methodology adopted in this study is broadly ...
Subject: English, Japanese
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This research network, entitled with Intelligent Energy Modeling in Buildings and Cities with Micro-data Analvtics (IMMA), aims to strengthen the practical collaborations of two research profiles, Energy and Micro-data Analysis (MDA) in the School of Technology and Business Studies.
Subject: Microdata Analysis, Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The Future Proof Cities graduate school focusses on sustainable urban development and is based on a dialog on the challenges that medium sized towns are faced with. Högskolan i Gävle leads the graduates school that is financed by the Knowledge Foundation, participating companies and the two other universities ...
Subject: Energy Technology, Business Administration and Management, Occupational Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
MATILDE aims to examine migration impacts on local development and
territorial cohesion in European rural and mountain regions, to improve integration
of third country nationals and local development.
Subject: Political Science, Human Geography
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Swedish
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Both multimodal communicative competence (MCC) and intercultural communicative competence (ICC) are becoming increasingly important as many educational institutions, business establishments, and governmental organizations are forced to switch their means of communication to online video conferencing ...
Subject: Japanese
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
According to the Swedish Education Act (Skollagen), the education system must have a solid scientific foundation, with teachers expected to base their work on current research from the field of educational sciences. In this project, we are interested in how teachers read and interpret research. The main ...
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Swedish as a Second Language
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Medical Science, Nursing, Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Sweden came to be seen as the epitome of modernity during the 1930s, mainly due to the book “Sweden: The Middle Way”, written by the American journalist Marquis Childs. Childs’ book influenced how the world viewed Sweden, and Sweden became a model. In addition, Sweden has, for most of the twentieth century, ...
Subject: History
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Materials Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work, Religious Studies, History
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Business Administration and Management
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: English, French
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This project aims at extending micro based decision support to be used in public planning for infrastructure investments of relevance for sustainable destination development. The ambition with the project is to increase awareness of the volumes and effects caused by tourism at local and regional level. ...
Subject: Tourism Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Moving Image Production, Sound and Music Production, Cultural Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project aims at exploring conditions for innovative business models to adress the problem of funding recreational trail managemnt. This involves looking into various innovative solutions, including the potential of nudging techniques to encourage contributions as well as to facilitate improved visitor ...
Subject: Tourism Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Occupational Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Feeling well-supported and having someone to share experiences with are of vital importance for parents of infants cared for in neonatal units. Grandparents and friends may constitute the most important people for support and sharing. However, few neonatal units allow significant others onto the units ...
Subject: Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Caring Science, Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Research display mixed results regarding the impact that teacher education have on teaching practices in schools. While some studies indicate weak influence of teacher education, others display that some content and perspectives in teacher education seem to find their expressions in school practice. ...
Subject: Sport and Health Science, Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Tourism Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Despite education for sustainability having been part of the Swedish preschool curricula since 2004, little is known about the benefits of and effective pedagogical practices in preschool education for sustainability. The purpose of this study is to contribute to evidence-informed development of pedagogical ...
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The response to job loss due to industrial restructuring is a key societal and policy challenge. Tripartite support programs and Active Labour Market Policies have had celebrated success in short term responses to labour market re-entry; however, less is known about the longer term consequences of restructuring ...
Subject: Occupational Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Following the deinstitutionalisation of psychiatry, there's a political goal that people with psychiatric disabilities (PD) should live in the open society. Their wellbeing concerning housing and social support is a municipal responsibility. At the same time, the municipality is also responsible for ...
Subject: Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Today’s highly specialized emergency care is poorly adapted to the comprehensive care needs of frail older people, with increased risk of in-hospital adverse events. In Swedish emergency departments (ED), patients over the age of 80 have prolonged length of stay (LOS) than other patients which may expose ...
Subject: Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Materials Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The main innovation proposed by the project will be the development of a holistic approach for evaluating and realising the transition towards the Circular Economy (CE), involving knowledge and methodologies from multiple domains (including Supply Chain Management, Environmental Science, Environmental ...
Subject: Economics, Microdata Analysis
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The overall objective of project is the development of solutions for the preparation and realization of energy-efficient light weight buildings for different types of use. Through innovative light weight construction using prefabricated containers with the aim of eliminating building physics disadvantages ...
Subject: Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
To meet targets for energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and at the same time handle increasing urbanization and population growth, cities around the world need to find optimal strategies to transform local energy use and supply. There is a need to be able to dynamically study ...
Subject: Energy Technology, Microdata Analysis
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
An integrated knowledge translation (IKT) approach is used in which different stakeholders (e.g end-users, researchers) collaborate in the development, use and evaluation of technology to support shared decision-making regarding ageing at home. Shared decision-making is a cornerstone for person-centred ...
Subject: Nursing, Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
In the project led by RISE and based on new research on PV in buildings, we will, together with academia and industry, seek new knowledge regarding roof renovation using PV. The work is organized around case studies on selected refurbishment objects within the stock of participating property owners. ...
Subject: Construction, Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: History, Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The goal of the project is increased customer benefit with more accessible locally produced food in Sweden and a more developed labor market in rural areas. This is achieved by integrating project the technical solution from SAILOR ((Smart lAst mILe cOmmeRce) with a business model for home deliveries ...
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Computer Engineering, Energy Technology, Construction
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Although the equine sector in Sweden has gone through an expansion the last decades, the working methods have not changed. Working conditions must be improved to enable the horse industry to offer safe, sustainable and attractive jobs. The aim is to develop methods and tools for work environment management ...
Subject: Occupational Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Due to global mobility, Swedish schools today are characterized by a considerable diversity, with a broad range of minority languages represented in classrooms. The pre-primary and primary levels of education play key roles in addressing the needs of children and students with multilingual backgrounds, ...
Subject: English
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The aim of this proposed project is to investigate the topics that primary school student teachers choose for their degree theses with a focus on subjects broadly related to multilingualism (e.g. multilingual pupils, Swedish as a second language, newly arrived pupils, mother tongue instruction, and mother ...
Subject: English
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Caring Science, Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This project aims to provide knowledge on how parents, whose infants have needed neonatal care, experience their relationships, health, and parenting during the first three years of infants’ life in comparison to parents of healthy and term infants. The research project comprises a longitudinal cohort ...
Subject: Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Political Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The objective of this project is to develop a new theory of movement learning. A new theory is needed for two reasons. First, current theories fail to account for embodied and interpretive aspects of learning. Second, current theories exclude certain groups by privileging sport-specific ways of moving. ...
Subject: Sport and Health Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The aim of this initiation project is to establish a long-term research and teaching collaboration between Sweden and Mozambique, with a focus on multilingualism as a resource in education in the two countries. On the surface, these two contexts representing the geopolitical North and South may seem ...
Subject: Swedish as a Second Language
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Health services will change dramatically as the prevalence of home healthcare increases. Only technologically advanced acute care will be performed in hospitals. This change – along with the increased healthcare needs of people with long-term conditions such as stroke and the rising demand for services ...
Subject: Nursing, Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Sweden-Finland and Denmark-Norway were characterized by an unusually high degree of mono-confessionalism. Later these Scandinavian countries became advanced welfare democracies. As the household, characterized by mutual obligations, was such an important theme in early modern Lutheranism, it is remarkable ...
Subject: History, Religious Studies, Political Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The purposes of this project are to investigate and model the relationship between the use of time assistive products by older people with mild to moderate dementia, their daily time management and their well-being, and to devise strategies for the acceptance and use of such products by older people ...
Subject: Medical Science, Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
International variations exist in reported incidences and outcomes from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), which may lead to differences in patient care. Sweden has collected data since 1991 and Ireland initiated the collection of data in 2007. The objective was to determine differences in the incidence ...
Subject: Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Sport and Health Science, Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The overall purpose of the project is to describe, analyze and discuss a hitherto under- researched area of
recently arrived students’ schooling: the students’ language development, disciplinary literacy and social
inclusion in relation to how the education of these students is contextually framed ...
Subject: Swedish as a Second Language
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The overall aim of the project is to evaluate healthcare professionals’ knowledge, attitudes and self-assessed abilities including affecting factors regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), to validate reported data concerning in-hospital cardiac arrest to the Swedish Register of Cardiopulmonary ...
Subject: Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
UDDGait™ is a multidisciplinary research project with the overreaching goal of providing an aid for early identification of cognitive impairment and risk of dementia development, thereby providing a basis for adequate symptom relieving and health promoting interventions.
We are investigating a new ...
Subject: Medical Science, Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This project examines the legacies of mining in the context of communities around the Nordic regions of the Arctic in order to inform contemporary discussions on the future of mining communities in northern Sweden. The material remains of mining, from ecological damage to operational equipment and transport ...
Subject: Human Geography, Tourism Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Swedish as a Second Language
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This project aims to investigate different student tasks in teaching dances and movements to music. An assumption is that the different tasks that teachers construct constitute different teaching practices thus providing possibilities for developing different kinds of knowings. Previous studies show ...
Subject: Sport and Health Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
In the Shiite form of Islam, the story about how Husayn b. Ali was killed in a battle at Karbala in 680 CE is very important. Husayn was the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, and has ever since his death been regarded as a martyr. The story functions as a source for contemporary Shiite martyrdom ideology ...
Subject: Religious Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Italian
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Several studies show a low survival rate for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Survival rates in combination with exercise-related cardiac arrest are higher. Factors such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation contribute to an increase in survival. The objective of the thesis is to describe ...
Subject: Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The aim of the project is to study the role of emotions in therapeutic interventions against violence. Special focus is given to the importance of feelings of shame and pride and the possibilities for producing a stable social bond between therapist and client and the impact on the effectiveness of the ...
Subject: Social Work, Sociology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Occupational Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Education, Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Sweden came to be seen as the epitome of modernity during the 1930s, mainly due to the book “Sweden: The Middle Way”, written by the American journalist Marquis Childs. Childs’ book influenced how the world viewed Sweden, and Sweden became a model. In addition, Sweden has, for most of the twentieth century, ...
Subject: History
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
In this project I am going to investigate the use and variation of Italian conditionals sentences, following the notion of ”Imaginaire Linguistique”, theorised by the French scholar Anne-Marie Houdebine.
Subject: Italian
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Health care in Sweden is one of the best in the world, yet many frail older people do not receive appropriate health care. Today’s highly specialized acute care is poorly adapted to the comprehensive care needs of frail older people. The acute care therefore exposes frail older people to avoidable risks ...
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Sociology, Sound and Music Production
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Tunabyggen AB in Borlänge offer to have a multi-family dwelling on display in a science project,to demonstrate the implementation of a gentle, cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly retrofit. The aim is to cut the energy consumption by half with a process avoiding evacuation of the inhabitants. ...
Subject: Construction
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Swedish as a Second Language
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
”Comparing Our Pasts [COP] project adds a comparative and international dimension to a domestic pilot study funded in 2014. The Remembering Australia’s Past [RAP] pilot project explored what pre-service History teachers do know, understand, and believe is important about Australia’s past, using an adaptation ...
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The aim of this project is to investigate how the shasei concept is discussed in contemporary writing by active haiku poets. Most of the writing published about contemporary haiku takes the form of handbooks about the composition of haiku or essay-like lyrical commentaries to haiku written by poets. ...
Subject: Japanese
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The aim is to evaluate the effect and prognostic factors of therapeutic exercise with a high vs. low dosage exercise therapy on pain, quality of life, mental and physical function, return to work, and health economics in patients with knee osteoarthritis. The project adopts a longitudinal RCT-design. ...
Subject: Sport and Health Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: French
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
There is a variation in the European registries in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) concerning the quality of content and registration process. In 2014, data concerning OHCA were collected from 27 European countries, which resulted in a publication; EuReCa ONE. The project has continued with a follow-up ...
Subject: Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Swedish as a Second Language
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Social Anthropology, Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Reesbe (resource-efficient energy systems in the built environment) is a business graduate school operated by the University of Gävle in collaboration with Mälardalen University and Dalarna University. Industrial graduate school is an initiative carried out in close cooperation with seventeen companies ...
Subject: Construction, Energy Technology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The operating room setting is described as one of the most complex settings in health care. Routine procedures in surgery involve a lot of critical steps, which may be potential opportunities for preventable hazards. A high level of patient safety is dependent on if the organization has a positive safety ...
Subject: Caring Science/Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Diabetic retinopathy is a sight-threatening eye complication of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy may lead to severe vision loss and blindness. Vision loss can be caused by bleeding in the vitreous body, retinal detachment or swelling of the macula, diabetic macular edema. Sight-threatening ...
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
“‘Reimporting’ of Culture and Language: the Case of Japanese Literary Translation” focuses on the cases when “translation” happens twice by the work being “translated back” to the language or culture of origin. This can take various forms which can be analyzed from different perspectives.
The first ...
Subject: Japanese
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The overall aim is to examine the complex relationships among the quality of the physical environment, the quality of care
provided, health outcomes and perception of the design. In addition, the aim is to compare the architectual intention with the
quality of the design. The research will focus on ...
Subject: Caring Science/Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The notion of modality, in which cultural and linguistic aspects are blended, is a mainstream topic in the study of any language system. Nevertheless, up to the present, the works related to the expression of modality in the Italian language are focused on epistemic modality only (Pietrandrea, 2005; ...
Subject: Italian
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Swedish
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Social Anthropology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
There are many ways to edit moving images, and a specific cut may be shaped in various ways. In this project we study how different kind of cuts are percieved visually by different viewers and we compare to what was the visual intention of the film editor.
In a previous explanatory study we have developed ...
Subject: Moving Image Production
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Research mainly involves the study of complex processes in business and industry and in social constructions – in particular, areas of research that are relevant for the region as well as non-urban areas along with transport, infrastructure, retail and tourism.
Central to this research profile is ...
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Research mainly involves the study of complex processes in business and industry and in social constructions – in particular, areas of research that are relevant for the region as well as non-urban areas along with transport, infrastructure, retail and tourism.
Central to this research profile is ...
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Mathematics Education, Natural Science, Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Education
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Research mainly involves the study of complex processes in business and industry and in social constructions – in particular, areas of research that are relevant for the region as well as non-urban areas along with transport, infrastructure, retail and tourism.
Central to this research profile is ...
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Research mainly involves the study of complex processes in business and industry and in social constructions – in particular, areas of research that are relevant for the region as well as non-urban areas along with transport, infrastructure, retail and tourism.
Central to this research profile is ...
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Social Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Social Work, Religious Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Sport and Health Science, Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The present project aims to lay the foundation for effective evidence-based prevention of one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the Swedish Armed Forces (SAF) marines. Present data estimate the occurrence of and identify risk factors for back pain and related limitations in work ...
Subject: Sport and Health Science, Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Social Work, Religious Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The aim of the project is to examine the music salon in Falun as a part of the mining community but also as a part of a historical context of the salon culture. A specific goal is to develop a deeper meaning about the salon when it comes to education and
pedagogic ideas. The project is based on Johan ...
Subject: Sound and Music Production
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Religious Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Religious Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
When people communicate via the Internet their language is greatly affected, not least in English which is still the biggest language on the Internet. Even if you communicate in writing via textchat, it is expected to be efficient. Strategies to achieve this are the main theme of this project. Many such ...
Subject: English
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Religious Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Religious Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
One problem related to abortion care in low-income countries such as India is the lack of physicians. Midlevel providers involvement in abortion care increases womens access to safe abortion and reduce maternal mortality. A simplified procedure of medical abortion has been suggested as medically safe ...
Subject: Caring Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The environment is increasingly recognized as important in the care of older people, and design is generally regarded as a therapeutic resource for promoting well-being and functionality. The concept of supportive environments suggests that there is a balance between the older person’s capability and ...
Subject: Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Religious Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Religious Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Religious Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Religious Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Religious Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This project examines strategies in English language teaching in Africa with special focus on the link between English as a language of instruction and the production of knowledge in schools. The chapter addresses language policy in a number of African countries, with special reference to Ethiopia, Kenya, ...
Subject: English, History
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Clinical evidence supported by research conducted the last fifteen years provides alarming evidence for the poor general health of women and men with severe mental illness (see for example Allebeck (1989), Baxter (1996) and Dixon et al (1999) Osborne (2006). Schizophrenia, the most common diagnosis ...
Subject: Caring Science/Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The project studies representations of families in Swedish private film collections from 1960-1985; a period when private film-making with 8 mm and Super8 reached a peak at the same time as the nuclear family was contested in the mass media. The project focuses on the contrast between the glorifying ...
Subject: Media and Communication Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Comparative Literature, Educational Work
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Computer Engineering, Statistics, Road Technology, Human Geography
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Religious Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Search on Educational Technology in Teaching a Foreign Language (Italian).
Subject: Italian
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The proposed project examines the English pronunciation of speakers of a selection of first languages (L1s), with an aim of coming closer to an understanding of the way the phonological structure and phonotactic constraints (limitations in the possible combination of sounds in a syllable) of a speaker’s ...
Subject: English
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Health and Caring Sciences/Oral Health Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Media and Communication Studies
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Visual Studies can be defined as the study of visual phenomena in society or as the use of visual data in order to understand society. Under the former heading sociological researchers have, for instance, studied vernacular photography, photographers at work, photographic technology and the use of photographs ...
Subject: Moving Image Production
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Medical Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Social Anthropology
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Comparative Literature
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Moving Image Production
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
The Sea of Orality will be the last volume of a trilogy on the role of orality in the Icelandic sagas. In the earlier volumes, I discussed the problem of regarding the family sagas and the king’s sagas as a kind of written novel with few bonds to the tradition. The matter of consideration in the third ...
Subject: Comparative Literature
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This Oh d research focuses on family involvement and experiences of alienation in their contact with mental health services. A questionnaire based on review of the literature and clinical experience has been constructed and tested in a pilot study. Preliminary results show that there is an association ...
Subject: Caring Science, Caring Science/Nursing
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Physical Geography
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Computer Engineering
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Computer Engineering
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
This project focuses on the early development of towns and in particularly the mining town Falun, in central Sweden. Towns and the early formation of proto-towns in Scandinavia, has long been focused on through historical and archaeological research. But the interest is also growing within the geo- and ...
Subject: Physical Geography
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Physical Geography
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Health and Caring Sciences/Oral Health Science
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: English
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Subject: Physical Geography
Project Status: Present
Project Start Date
Last reviewed: